Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bridges of Culture (3 of 3)

Comic Book artists are one of the vital links for bridges of culture. Mr. Steve Scott is a very talented comic artist who designed characters for DC and Marvel.

Bridge of Culture (2 of 3)

Another key link to the bridges of culture are voice actors. Voice Actors give life to 2-D and 3-D animated characters. I was fortunate to interview Ms. Veronica Taylor. Ms. Taylor is best known as the voice of Ash Ketchum from the popular series Pokemon. Ms. Taylor was a gracious person and fun interviewing. Please excuse the terrible audio because there were lots of people coming in and out of the green room.

Also listen toward the end of the interview for a really great audio treat.

Bridges of Culture People (1 of 3)

A bridge literally is a physical object that links between two items. A bridge could also be a metaphor for a person. Culture is a person's identity or tradition. People who are bridges of culture are an important aspect in human history.

In today's pop-culture, it takes a few special individuals to open a bridge to exchange new ideas.

I did these interviews at New York Comic Con 2010.

The first group of people who help contribute to be a link of culture is the New York Based group, Echostream.